Tuesday 17 July 2012

Shazam Encore 3.9.4 [Paid] (3.5 mb)


Hear a song you don not know? Shazam identifies it instantly. Unlimited, no Ads.
NOTE: If you are experiencing connection issues, please ensure you are running the latest version, then quit and restart the app. If you are still having trouble please contact our customer support team through the app in Settings|About Shazam (press the email address). Sorry for the bumps in the road, we are working hard to address any issues you are experiencing. Thank you and have a wonderful holiday!
NEW: LyricPlay™ :See full-screen lyrics that play in time to the music you are tagging - learn the lyrics you thought you knew.
Encore is the quickest and easiest way to discover more about music. Hold your phone up to the music to identify a track, buy it, watch the video, get the lyrics, play in Spotify and more!
With Shazam, you can:
○ Save and listen again (30 sec previews)
○ See full-screen lyrics in time to music
○ Buy tracks on Amazon MP3
○ Watch videos on YouTube 
○ Listen to your tagged music in Spotify
○ Discover new music based on the tracks you like with Recommendations 
○ Share tags on Facebook & Twitter
○ Learn the lyrics you thought you knew 
○ Discover new music from your Shazam Friends and Shazam Tag Chart 
○ Tag TV shows and commercials for exclusive content - Look for the Shazam Logo!
○ Find out when an artist is on tour and buy concert tickets
○ Use it when you donot have a signal
○ Tag music straight from your home screen with the Shazam widget
○ Remember where you tagged a track with Location
“Do you believe in magic? Maybe you will after trying Shazam – a jaw droppingly awesome music identifier. It has the uncanny ability to recognize the track and tell you everything about it”. GIZMODO

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